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Mai i Te Kākano Audiobook on a phone
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He Pukapuka | Books

Mai i Te Kākano Audiobook on a phone

īpukapuka | Digital Books

Te Tākupu design

Ngā Kaupapa

Kaupapa guide all activity and development at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Our kaupapa draw on our own understandings from the mātauranga Māori body of knowledge and the teachings of the Wānanga. Read more about our kaupapa.

Te Tākupu design

Te Reo Māori

Te Reo is a taonga that we have inherited from our tūpuna, an invaluable body of knowledge, enlightenment and innovation. Te Reo is intimately connected with mātauranga, conveying important messages about the way our tūpuna understood and experienced the world. The acquisition, maintenance, promotion and revival of Te Reo are priorities for Te Wānanga o Raukawa.

Te Tākupu design


Whakapapa reinforces the connections between us, and to our tūpuna, atua and tūrangawaewae. Whakapapa guides our efforts to better understand and contribute to the mātauranga continuum that binds us to one another across the generations.

Te Tākupu design


Manaakitanga embodies behaviour that is mana-enhancing of those around us. Manaakitanga inspires us to demonstrate generosity, fairness, appreciation, respect and consideration for others in the way that we perform our roles and responsibilities.

Te Tākupu design


Wairuatanga acknowledges the spiritual dimension in our lives and in mātauranga. It is embedded in the extensive web of relationships that weaves present, past and future generations together. Wairuatanga is explored, expanded and nourished as we strive to maximise our contribution to the survival of Māori as a people.

Te Tākupu design


Ūkaipōtanga speaks to the significance of connection with land and place. Marae are acknowledged as places that sustain and inspire us, connecting us with mātauranga from our own whānau, hapū and iwi. We encourage active participation in our marae while working to create a welcoming environment at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, nurturing a sense of belonging and value among students and staff.

Te Tākupu design


Pūkengatanga challenges us to be bold, imaginative and rigorous in our exploration and expansion of mātauranga. It requires the pursuit of excellence in all our activities, demanding the provision of distinctive, innovative and high-quality facilities, programmes, publications and services.

Te Tākupu design


Kotahitanga flourishes when commitment to a shared vision is built and sustained. It expresses strength in cooperation. Kotahitanga is evident when we pool our talents and energy, working together in order to realise common goals.

Te Tākupu design


Rangatiratanga exemplifies the attributes commonly associated with a rangatira: responsibility, integrity, generosity and the ability to unite people. We are expected to demonstrate and foster these qualities as we determine our collective aspirations and design strategies for their achievement.

Te Tākupu design


Whanaungatanga reminds us that our accomplishments are typically the result of collaborative effort, made possible by developing and maintaining strong relationships. Whanaungatanga creates opportunities for each of us to make our unique contribution to the communal enterprise, enabling shared objectives to be advanced and reinforcing our whānau, hapū and iwi associations.

Te Tākupu design


Kaitiakitanga urges Te Wānanga o Raukawa to nurture and protect its people and its place. It requires us to preserve and enrich those taonga that we have inherited, which have been created and tended by others. We must employ our resources wisely, ensuring that their use contributes positively to our viability and reputation.

He Pukapuka Hou | Recently Released

Te Ūkaipō 7
Te Ūkaipō 7
Cover of The Power in Our Truth The Truth of Our Power
The Power in Our Truth, The Truth of Our Power – Recollections of Moana
e-Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 2)
e-Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 2)
e-Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 1)
e-Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 1)
Cover of Mana Wahine Reader Volume 2
Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 2)
Cover of Mana Wahine Reader Volume 1
Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 1)

He Pukapuka Te Reo Māori

Cover of Mai i Te Kākano
e-Mai i te Kākano
Cover of Manawa Hine
e-Manawa Hine: He wāhine i tohe ki te tai - Women who swam against the tide
Cover of He Iti Kahurangi
He Iti Kahurangi
Cover of Mai i Te Kākano
Mai i te Kākano
Cover of Mai i Te Kākano
Mai i te Kākano - Audio
Cover of Manawa Hine
Manawa Hine: He wāhine i tohe ki te tai - Women who swam against the tide

Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa Rangatira (ART Confederation)

Cover of Manawa Hine
Manawa Hine: He wāhine i tohe ki te tai - Women who swam against the tide
Cover of Like Moths to the Flame?
Like Moths to the Flame? A History of Ngāti Raukawa Resistance and Recovery
Cover of Tahi ki a Maru
Tahi ki a Maru: Water, fishing and tikanga in Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga
Cover of Whakatupuranga Rua Mano
Whakatupuranga Rua Mano 1975-2000: He Tirohanga Whakamuri
Cover for Tahi ki a Maru
e-Tahi ki a Maru: Water, fishing and tikanga in Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga
Cover of Te Huarahi o te Ora
Māori Mentoring and Pathways to Wellbeing: Te Huarahi o te Ora

He Pukapuka Tūpuna Wāhine

Cover of Mana Wahine Reader Volume 1
Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 1)
Cover of Mana Wahine Reader Volume 2
Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 2)
Cover of Wāhine Toa
Wāhine Toa: Omniscient Māori Women
Cover of The Balance Destroyed
The Balance Destroyed
Cover of Manawa Hine
Manawa Hine: He wāhine i tohe ki te tai - Women who swam against the tide
e-Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 1)
e-Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 1)

He Pukapuka mā ngā Tamariki

Cover of Te Whānau Weriweri
Te Whānau Weriweri
Cover of Te Whānau Moana
Te Whānau Moana
Cover of Te Whānau Pāmu
Te Whānau Pāmu

Tohutoro | Quotes

nā Dr Rachel Buchanan (Taranaki, Te Ātiawa) author of ‘The Parihaka Album’

The Ani Waaka Room

‘If you want to know what resistance looks like, start here, with Debbie Broughton, whose stunning debut collection reconstructs the world that was taken from our tūpuna, and so creates a pathway back for all the tamariki mokopuna of Te Aro Pā and beyond.’

Cover of Te Ani Waaka Room
The Ani Waaka Room
nā Hēni Jacob

Mai i Te Kākano

Nāu tāu mahi/Nāna tāna mahi: e whakamihi ana i te tangata mō te pai, mō te tohunga, mō te kaha ōna ki tētahi mahi. “Nāu tāu mahi e hine. Kāore i tua atu i a koe.”

Cover of Mai i Te Kākano
Mai i te Kākano
nā Whatarangi Winiata

Whakatupu Mātauranga ‘Building Māori futures on Kaupapa tuku iho’

“This paper emphasises the central place of the expression of kaupapa tuku iho in the life of Te Wānanga o Raukawa and in the future of Māori as a distinct cultural group. It asserts that by expressing kaupapa tuku iho in all that it does, the Wānanga will maximise its contribution to the survival of Māori as a people.”

Cover of Whakatupu Mātauranga
Whakatupu Mātauranga
nā Kuini Rikihana

Manawa Hine: Women who swam against the tide

"Kahe stood by the water's edge. She adjusted the flax ropes holding in place the gourds that would give her buoyancy. The ropes bit into her shoulders, but at least her baby was tightly secured and he would be able to breathe. Just...".

Cover of Manawa Hine
Manawa Hine: He wāhine i tohe ki te tai - Women who swam against the tide
Tina Makereti (Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Rangatahi-Matakore) author of ‘TheImaginary Lives of James Pōneke’ and ‘Where the Rēkohu Bone Sings’

The Ani Waaka Room

‘What I love about this book is that it contains all the knowledge, all the history, all the indignation that the best of us carry – and yet it chooses not to take itself, or the coloniser, too seriously. It’s the elevated art of the piss-take, humour layers on irony layered on collage the coloniser’s own words presented back to them on the sharpened tip of a knife.’

Cover of Te Ani Waaka Room
The Ani Waaka Room
Te Tākupu design

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