e-Mana Wahine Reader (Volume 2)


Also available as a book.

In 2019 Te Kotahi Research Institute collated and compiled a selection of papers, written between 1999 and 2019 by wāhine Māori across a range of disciplines, about their experience as wāhine Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand. Published in two volumes, Mana Wahine Reader 1 (1987-1998) and Mana Wahine Reader 2 (1999-2019) present wāhine Māori at the coalface within their respective institutions, iwi or hapū  − managing students, the Academy and even at times their own expectations.   

The Mana Wahine Readers were originally published by Te Kotahi Research Institute and have been republished by Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa in 2022. They were edited by Leonie Pihama, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Naomi Simmonds, Joeliee Seed-Pihama and Kirsten Gabel. Robyn Kahukiwa’s stunning artwork encases these collections of writing by wāhine Māori.

* Ngā Māreikura nā Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan
* Colonisation and the Imposition of Patriarchy: A Ngāti Raukawa Women’s Perspective nā Ani Mikaere
* Constitutional Reform and Mana Wahine nā Annette Sykes
* Claiming our Ethical Space: A Mana Wahine Conceptual Framework for Discussing Genetic Modification nā Jessica Hutchings
* Matauranga Wahine: Teaching Māori Women’s Knowledge Alongside Feminism nā Kuni Jenkins rāua ko Leonie Pihama
* Reclaiming the Ancient Feminine in Māori Society: Kei Wareware i a Tātou Te Ūkaipō! nā Aroha Yates-Smith
* Mana Wahine Theory: Creating Space for Māori Women’s Theories nā Leonie Pihama
* Te Ukaipo – Te Taiao: The Mother, the Nurturer – Nature nā Aroha Yates-Smith
* Echoed Silences in Absentia: Mana Wahine in Institutional Contexts nā Hine Waitere rāua ko Patricia Johnson
* Mana Wahine: Decolonising Politics nā Naomi Simmonds
* Te Awa Atua: The River of Life! Menstruation in Pre-Colonial Times nā Ngāhuia Murphy
* It’s About Whānau: Oppression, Sexuality, and Mana nā Kim McBreen
* In search of Our Nannies’ Gardens: A Mana Wahine Geography of Maternities in Aotearoa nā Naomi Simmonds
* Never-Ending Beginnings: The Circularity of Mana Wāhine nā Naomi Simmonds
* Poipoia Te Tamaiti Ki Te Ūkaipō: Theorising Māori Motherhood nā Kirsten Gabel
* Kapohia Ngā Taonga ā Kui Mā: Liberty from the Theft of Our Matrilineal Names nā Joeliee Seed-Pihama
* Mana Atua, Mana Tangata, Mana Wahine nā Leonie Pihama

Publication Details
Mana Wahine Reader 2
Edited by:
Leonie Pihama, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Naomi Simmonds, Joeliee Seed-Pihama and Kirsten Gabel
Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan, Ani Mikaere, Annette Sykes, Jessica Hutchings, Kuni Jenkins, Leonie Pihama, Aroha Yates-Smith, Hine Waitere, Patricia Johnson, Naomi Simmonds, Ngāhuia Murphy, Kim McBreen, Kirsten Gabel, Joeliee Seed-Pihama 
Cover artwork: Robyn Kahukiwa
Publishing details: Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Year: 2022 (First published in 2019 by Te Kotahi Research Institute, republished in 2022 by Te Tākupu)

Physical Description

Format: Digital version
ISBN: 978-1-99-115327-2
Language: English text with some Te Reo Māori

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