Like Moths to the Flame? A History of Ngāti Raukawa Resistance and Recovery


This thesis was submitted in 2016, in fulfillment of the requirements for Te Kāurutanga. Like Moths to the Flame: A History of Ngāti Raukawa Resistance and Recovery explores the extent to which the unique qualities of Ngāti Raukawa thought have survived the encounter with European ideas. It argues that preservation of a distinctive Ngāti Raukawa intellectual tradition is crucial to the long term survival of Ngāti Raukawa as a people.

Publication Details
Title: Like Moths to the Flame? A History of Ngāti Raukawa Resistance and Recovery
Author: Ani Mikaere
Publishing details: Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa Ōtaki, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Year: 2017

Physical Description
Type: Book
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9951011-3-5 
No. of pages, Colour, Illustration, Size (l x w x d):
313 pages, 30cm x 21cm x 2.2cm
Language: English with some Te Reo Māori

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