Kei Tua o te Pae Hui Proceedings: Re-searching Rangatiratanga, Innovating Mātauranga


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Proceedings of Hui held at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki on 30-31 March, 2015. These proceedings explore critical issues including: Who defines rangatiratanga? Who controls mātauranga? Where does mātauranga come from? Mātauranga and rangatiratanga: Can we have one without the other? The contributors to these proceedings are: Ani Mikaere, Jessica Hutchings, Dayle Takitimu, Jenny Bol Jun Lee, Huia Winiata, Wayne Ngata, Debbie Broughton, Ruakere Hond and Moana Jackson.

* Rangatiratanga: Giving life to the dreams of our mokopuna nā Dayle Takitimu
* Researching with rangatiratanga: Pūrākau as ‘evidence’ nā Jenny Bol Jun Lee
* Re-searching rangatiratanga, innovating mātauranga nā Huia Winiata
* He whakapapa mātauranga hei whenua rangatira nā Wayne Ngata
* Kaupapa Māori research and innovating mātauranga nā Jessica Hutchings
* I don’t see dead people (well, not so much anyway) nā Debbie Broughton
* Whakapapa and the limitless nature of mātauranga nā Ani Mikaere
* Ngā pūtake o te kupu ‘wānanga’ nā Ruakere Hond
* Hui Reflections nā Moana Jackson

Publication Details
Title: Kei Tua o te Pae Hui Proceedings: Re-searching Rangatiratanga, Innovating Mātauranga
Author: Compiled by Debbie Broughton
Publishing details: Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Year: 2019

Physical Description
Type: Conference Proceedings
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9951011-9-7
No. of pages, Size (l x w x d): 61 pages, 21cm x 29.8cm x 0.5cm
Language: Te Reo Māori and English text

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