He Pākiki | Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to have an account to place an order online?

No, you can purchase books without an account.

Is there a limit on quantity I can order?

No, there are no limits on orders, although this is dependent on stock being available. 

How do I change an order I have already placed?

Please contact us at tetakupu@twor-otaki.ac.nz

Do you sell books other than those listed?

No, the books listed in our Shop are the only ones we have available.

Can you give me more information about your publications?

Yes, please email tetakupu@twor-otaki.ac.nz with your questions.

Ordering ebooks and audiobooks

How do I access my digital book?

Once your purchase is confirmed, you'll be directed to an 'Access Content' button, which will give you instructions to follow to download Flux Player, and then view your ebook or listen to your audiobook.

You'll also receive an email with instructions on how to download the Flux Player app and view your ebook or listen to your audiobook.

If you already have Flux Player, your digital content will already be there.

Will I be able to read the ebook on my current e-reader?

No. To read the ebooks and listen to the audiobooks you purchase from the Te Tākupu Shopify site, you’ll need to download the Flux Player app here.

Alternatively, you can purchase our ebooks from Google, Apple, Kobo and other ebook and audiobook retailers: 

Mai i te Kākano ebook and audiobook: https://linktr.ee/tetakupu  

Te Mahi Māra Hua Parakore:   https://books2read.com/TeMahiMaraHuaParakore 

Manawa Hine: https://books2read.com/ManawaHine  

Can I read the ebook/audiobook on my iPad and phone or laptop (different devices)?

Yes, wherever you have the Fluxplayer app. 


How does the payment work?

If you are making a purchase as an individual, the online purchasing process will take you through the steps for payment. 

If you are purchasing from a business or would prefer another method of payment, please email tetakupu@twor-otaki.ac.nz

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following payment methods online:

Visa, Mastercard, Shop Pay.

Are all prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD)?

Yes, all prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).

Is it safe to enter my payment details online?

We take security seriously and offer safe and reliable payment methods through the Shopify e-commerce platform. If you are paying by debit or credit card your payment details are automatically encrypted when you enter them. 

When will you take payment for my order?

Debit card and credit card payments will be authorised when you submit your order.

How will my transaction show on my statement?

Your card transaction will appear as Te Wānanga o Raukawa (TWoR) on your bank statement. You will be charged in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).

Can I get a refund if I don't want the book?

Please see our refund policy. These are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


How much does it cost to post books and/or journals?

The following postage costs apply:

* For purchases less than $20.00 = free postage
* For purchases of $20.00 and up to $100.00 = $5.00
* For purchases over $100.00 = free postage
* Bulk orders over 100 copies = freight charges to be confirmed manually.

International orders

Te Tākupu doesn’t distribute hard copy books beyond Aotearoa and Australia, due to the high costs of postage internationally. Our whānau living abroad may like to purchase from our selection of digital books (ebooks and audiobooks). These are available to purchase by visiting the links below: 

Mai i te Kākano ebook and audiobook: https://linktr.ee/tetakupu  

Te Mahi Māra Hua Parakore:   https://books2read.com/TeMahiMaraHuaParakore 

Manawa Hine: https://books2read.com/ManawaHine  

How long does it take to get my books?

 Please allow 5-10 working days in Aotearoa for delivery.

Do you distribute to Australia?

Yes. Please allow 3-5 weeks for delivery across Australia.

The following postage costs apply:

For postage to Australia = By weight = Minimum of $35.00 for up to 3kg and in increments of $10 per 3kg.

Do you distribute to America or Europe or the Pacific Islands?

No. See note above regarding International orders. 


How does payment work?

You will be invoiced for your order - please ensure you provide all necessary details such as delivery address and Purchase Order Number, if applicable.

How long before I need to pay the invoice?

Payment should be made by the 20th of the following month.